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Title: Water Retention
Categories: Info
Yield: 2 Formulas

2ptDandelion leaf
1ptUva ursi
2ptDandelion root
2ptBurdock root
1ptMarshmallow root

Water retention (edema) is another commonly experienced discomfort associated with pregnancy and usually begins to occur during the second and third trimesters. Some water retention is normal and is to be expected. Pregnancy hormones, mainly estrogens, cause connective tissue throughout the body to swell and retain extra fluid which serves as a protective device for the mother and child. However, excess edema, aside from being very uncomfortable, is a sign of stressed, overburdened kidneys. This can be due as much to emotional stress as to physical imbalance. It is essential during pregnancy and while nursing to drink sufficient water. My midwife friends recommended up to twelve cups daily! This large quantity of water does not cause the kidneys to overwork. Quite the contrary; it enables the kidneys to function better. If you are suffering from edema, it's helpful to drink mild herbal diuretics that gently stimulate the kidneys to perform more proficiently. Dandelion greens, chickweed, cleaver, and nettle are very beneficial as mild, nonirritating diuretics. If a stronger diuretic is needed, add uva ursi to the formula. Herbal diuretics are amazingly effective and will correct most cases of edema.

HERBAL REMEDIES FOR WATER RETENTION ù Dandelion greens alone will often create the proper water balance the body needs. They are high in potassium and won't (unlike synthetic diuretics) cause a deficiency of that mineral. Drink several cups a day of dandelion green leaf tea and/or mix it with other herbs. To make dandelion tea, use four to six tablespoons of dandelion leaf per quart of water. Pour boiling water over the tea and cover tightly. Steep ten to twenty minutes, strain and drink. Sweeten with honey if desired. ù Eat plenty of steamed burdock root and/or drink it as tea. The roots of burdock and dandelion blend well together and an effective tea can be made by combining them. ù Eliminate the intake of salt. Do not use table salt at all during pregnancy and eliminate snack foods such as chips, pretzels, crackers, nuts, and salted popcorn. ù Either of the following two formulas can be drunk daily to tone the kidneys and eliminate excess water.

D A N D Y L I O N T E A Use four to six tablespoons of herb mixture per quart of water. Add herbs to cold water and bring to a simmer over low heat. Keeping pot covered, remove from stove and infuse for twenty minutes. Strain.

D A N D Y R O O T T E A Use three to four tablespoons of herb mixture per quart of water. Add herbs to cold water and bring to a low boil. Simmer fifteen minutes. Remove from heat and strain immediately.
